Cameron Schroy

Party: Democrat

Office: PA Senate ( District: 33 )

Cameron Schroy is a lifelong resident of Franklin County. He is currently the chair of the Franklin County Democratic Committee. He has served as a local community and volunteer leader, including serving on the Greencastle Area Water Authority. He has been a member of the Franklin County Democratic Committee since 2014.

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See interviews of Cameron Schroy.

On the Issues

See Cameron Schroy's stance on the issues.

What are your positions on economic policies (ex: inflation, taxes, regulations, etc.)?
What is your position on immigration policy?
What is your position on abortion policy?
What is your position on gun ownership policy?
What is your position on environmental policy? (ex: addressing climate change, clean water, clean air, etc.)
What is your position on LGBTQ rights? (ex: marriage, adoption, gender-affirming care, sports participation, etc.)
What is your position on addressing lowering the cost of higher education in Pennsylvania?

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