Carl Walker Metzgar (Uncontested)
Party: Republican
Office: PA House ( District: 69 )
Metzgar serves on the House Commerce, Environmental Resources and Energy, and Consumer Affairs committees. Rep. Carl Walker Metzgar brings a legal and agricultural background to Harrisburg as he serves his fifth term in the House of Representatives. He currently serves as an attorney in Somerset and Bedford counties, is a member of the Somerset County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations.
See interviews of Carl Walker Metzgar (Uncontested).
On the Issues
See Carl Walker Metzgar (Uncontested)'s stance on the issues.
What is your position on gun ownership policy?
From repmetzgar.com: MEYERSDALE – The Second Amendment and gun owners’ rights will be the subject of a Gun Rights Seminar to be hosted by Reps. Matt Dowling (R-Fayette/Somerset) and Carl Walker Metzgar (R-Bedford/Somerset)
From repmetzgar.com: He is a strong protector of the Second Amendment, noting that the Pennsylvania constitution is clear when it says “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be questioned”.
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