Bob Goodrich, Constitution Party, Candidate for Auditor General

What are your positions on economic policies (ex: inflation, taxes, regulations, etc.)?

Minimal government involvement, i.e., reducing taxes, eliminating unneeded regulations, etc., will lead to a better economy.

What is your position on addressing the cost of housing?

Get government out of housing, as much as possible. Allow private sector to operate without government interference or influence, and the housing availability will eventually meet the housing needs.

What is your position on healthcare access?

To my knowledge, everybody in this country has access to healthcare. They may go to the local hospital (emergency room) as necessary. Paying for it is another subject. Bottom line: I'm opposed to socialized medicine and I'm opposed to the fallacy that it is free.  It is not, and someone has to pay for it.

What is your position on immigration policy?

Immigration is part of the dynamics of a nation. Illegal immigration is just that: illegal. We have a system to allow for immigration through a deliberate, thoughtful process. Keep it that way!

What is your position on abortion policy?

The Declaration of Independence speaks of the unalienable rights to "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. I am opposed to abortion; what good are "liberty" and "pursuit of happiness" if we do not protect "life"?


What is your position on gun ownership policy?

I support the Second Amendment. I am a gunower and I hunt. My family and I eat all of the game that we kill. We can also protect ourselves and our home.

What is your position on environmental policy? (ex: addressing climate change, clean water, clean air, etc.)

Having lived in countries where there has been heavy pollution (while serving in the Army), I appreciate clean water, clean air, etc. We are to be stewards of the environment. However, there is too much government bureaucracy and too many regulations; these need to be rolled back some. Furthermore, as a constitutionalist, many of our regulatory agencies are unconstitutional (and, according to the U.S. Constitution) have no authority.

What is your position on LGBTQ rights? (ex: marriage, adoption, gender-affirming care, sports participation, etc.)

I stand opposed to "LGBTQ rights," and I assert that I have a right to raise my children in a manner where they are exposed to such issues as when I believe it is appropriate, i.e., at the right age. Instead, I take offense to the fact that my right to raise my children where they are exposed to such behavior / information has been violated.  Where are my rights as a parent?

What is your position on addressing lowering the cost of higher education in Pennsylvania?

Education is going to cost somebody something; since when should higher education be free, or even inexpensive? Unfortunately, we have told a generation-plus that they have to go to college. Too many have used going to college as a means of putting off responsible decision-making for 4 or 5 years. If someone wants something bad enough (a worthwhile college degree), he should be willing to pay for it. If the individual isn't serious enough to pay for a college degree, then he probably won't benefit from the time spent in college.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Where is personal responsibility and accountability today. Not everything is free in this world. Somebody has to pay for it. Whether it is education, environment, healthcare, etc., somebody has to bear the cost; it is best when government gets out of the way, the economics of supply-demand and cost-benefit takes over, and then most of the issues we face will work out.