Joe Soloski, Keystone Party, Candidate for Pennsylvania Governor

What is your position on abortion policy? 

I believe that government should not be either promoting or prohibiting abortion. That decision is best left between a woman and her doctor; between a woman and her God.

One of my opponents wants a total abortion ban implemented. Such a ban will never save even one abortion. That’s because government prohibitions have never worked. They only create a black market for the very product or service that they attempt to prohibit.

I believe that we can reduce abortions to their lowest possible number by promoting pregnancy support services and also by streamlining adoption processes. Those kinds of solutions give an expectant mother more positive options for her to consider.

What is your position on voting administration? (ex: mail-in ballots, drop boxes, voter ID, etc.) 

We have been utilizing mail-in absentee ballots for years. There’s no reason why we can’t continue to do so and expand its convenience to voters. I also advocate for Pennsylvania to implement Ranked-Choice Voting, like they use in the states of Maine and Alaska. Ranked-Choice Voting only makes each voter’s vote more powerful.

What are your positions on economic policy and job creation (ex: inflation reduction, taxes, regulations, etc.)? 

The best way to improve Pennsylvania’s economy is to slash government spending and taxes. The state’s operating budget has more than doubled, from $20billion to $42billion in just 20 years. Pennsylvania doesn’t have a revenue problem; it’s got a spending problem! I will commit to cutting government spending by at least 5% per year each year that I’m in office, starting with slashing my own salary by 65%.

By cutting state spending and taxation, we can turn Pennsylvania into a tax haven, putting it in the position to compete with much more business-friendly states.

What is your position on climate change and environmental policy? 

If you want efficient energy production without emitting carbon dioxide, we have to be moving to nuclear energy. Nuclear already produces 20% of our energy cleanly, efficiently, and safely.

Renewables are good choices at the individual residential level, but government should not be subsidizing them nor picking up the tab for their ultimate clean up.

What is your position on immigration policy? 

Immigrants make our country stronger. They come here to find a better life for themselves. They come here and take jobs the Americans do not choose to take. They pay taxes and become members of our local communities. Accordingly, America should have a more welcoming, open-door policy when it comes to immigration. We should also be welcoming refugees from around the world.

What is your position on LGBTQ rights? (ex: marriage, adoption, sports participation) 

LGBTQ individuals should be able to live their lives the way that want to as long as they are not infringing on anyone else’s rights, just like anyone else. Call it marriage or call it civil union; I don’t care, just live and let live.

I have no objection to any LGBTQ individuals or couples adopting children. Children need to be in stable, loving homes. LGBTQ individuals can provide that for children. I, personally, have no right to argue otherwise.

What is your position on criminal justice reform? 

I’ll start by saying that state prohibition laws have never worked, even once. We need to end government prohibitions, like the War on Drugs, and not commence any new prohibitions, like on abortion.

These prohibitions only create new classes of criminals where they didn’t exist before. The increased incarcerations have only managed to ruin peoples lives.

What is your position on gun ownership policy? 

The Pennsylvania Constitution is clear on this: “The right to keep and bear arms shall not be questioned”. I am in agreement with that. I believe that every person has the inherent right to defend the lives of themselves, their families, and their friends. I will be working to make Pennsylvania a constitutional-carry state, with an emphasis on proper gun training to keep one’s skills sharp.

We have seen, again and again, that the best defense against a Bad Guy with a gun….. is a Good Guy with a gun.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Please check me out at my website, Many of these, and other, issues are presented there. I would welcome you input and questions.

Best regards,

Joe Soloski
Keystone Candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania